Clifton's Boys Home

Darliston, Westmoreland

Clifton Boys Home accommodates some 30 boys from age seven to 19 and has been operational since 1960. The house is on 7 ½ acres of land that is great for agriculture. The residents are actively involved in the ongoing Agricultural/Livestock project -- which contributes to their nutritional well-being, as it supplies the Home with vegetables, ground provision, and poultry.

25 mattresses

Karen Vick

Karen Vick is a web designer, digital marketer, and podcast host with over 20 years of experience helping businesses of all types achieve success online. As the founder of Island Design Studio (now DBA Guiding Brands), Karen has worked with start-ups and established enterprises in various industries, from real estate and photography to non-profits and e-commerce.

Wortley Home For Girls


Granville Place of Safety